Tuesday Jun 11, 2024

AI-powered Fashion Insights, Next SaaS Starter Kit, Personalized UI, and 24/7 Video Marketer

Woven Insights offers AI-powered retail market and consumer insights for fashion. NextJet provides a fast and scalable SaaS starter kit. Quest Labs AI introduces dynamic UI customization. Zeacon is the 24/7 video marketer. Join us as we explore these innovative solutions and their potential impact on the fashion industry, development process, user experience, and marketing strategies.


(00:00:00) Introduction
(00:00:34) Woven Insights - AI-powered Retail Market & Consumer Insights For Fashion
(00:03:18) NextJet - Fast & Scalable Next SaaS Starter Kit, Save Weeks of Coding
(00:05:44) Dynamic UI by Quest Labs AI - Change UI for every user using Quest's In-App SDKs
(00:08:03) Zeacon - The 24/7 video marketer

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